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Eid-ul-Fitr Message from Hazrat Ameer Dr A.K. Saeed, head of the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement.
Ramadan Daily Quran Studies, 2021
The theme for this year’s Studies is the life, work, mission and qualities of the Holy Prophet Muhammad as depicted in the Quran.
During Ramadan itself, the study for each day is added below on the day before.
- Fast 1 — The Holy Prophet Muhammad
- Fast 2 — Principal functions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad
- Fast 3 — Prophet brings people from darkness into light
- Fast 4 — Prophet does not ask for any personal reward, return or gain from people
- Fast 5 — The Prophet is a mortal like other humans with no supernatural powers
- Fast 6 — Prophet Muhammad was raised as a warner and giver of good news
- Fast 7 — The Prophet must deliver the message of Allah, and that is all he is required to do
- Fast 8 — The Prophet’s great concern for a fallen humanity
- Fast 9 — The Prophet’s steadfastness and patience in difficulties
- Fast 10 — The Prophet should seek comfort and strength through prayer
- Fast 11 — Obedience to the Holy Prophet
- Fast 12 — The Holy Prophet attained the highest position of sinlessness and knowledge of
God, and the closest position to God and to humanity
- Fast 13 — The Holy Prophet: An orphan raised to greatness
- Fast 14 — The expansion of the Holy Prophet’s heart and mind
- Fast 15 — The Holy Prophet granted Al-Kauthar or abundance of good
- Fast 16 — Holy Prophet’s message is for all nations
- Fast 17 — The Prophet follows only his revelation and does so faithfully
- Fast 18 — Holy Prophet’s extraordinary gentleness towards his followers – 1
- Fast 19 — Holy Prophet’s extraordinary gentleness towards his followers –2
- Fast 20 — Simplicity of his personal and domestic life
- Fast 21 — Holy Prophet’s concern for the most ordinary of people
- Fast 22 — Holy Prophet’s courage in the face of the gravest danger – 1
- Fast 23 — Holy Prophet’s courage in the face of the gravest danger –2
- Fast 24 — Holy Prophet’s generous treatment of the enemy
- Fast 25 — Holy Prophet does justice to his enemies
- Fast 26 — Manners to be observed towards the Holy Prophet
- Fast 27 — Final triumph of the Holy Prophet
- Fast 28 — Mortality of the Holy Prophet
- Fast 29 — Salat-un-nabi or Darood
- Fast 30 — The Holy Prophet Muhammad as the Last and Final Prophet